How Do I Glorify God in my Daily Life?  Part 1 | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions

How Do I Glorify God in my Daily Life?  Part 1

Living in God's image helps us to honour Him everyday

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.’ – 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

Doing everything to the glory of God sounds exhausting. Do you ever find yourself wondering how to do this every day? What does studying, art or sport have to do with the glory of God? Learning what it means to be “made in the image of God” helped me understand how it is possible to glorify God in day to day things, and will hopefully help you to come to a similar understanding...

Living in God’s image

‘Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.’ Genesis 1:26-27 (NIV)

A creative God made us.  When we do creative things – if it’s planning an event, making something, decorating, cooking, building - we do things God created us to do. Knowing this means we can enjoy being creative - we’re doing something God made us to do, and that glorifies Him.  

God created us so we could play sport, run, jump, dance, amongst other things. God intricately made our bodies so that we may be able to perform these actions.  When we use our bodies to do such things, we can glorify God.  We can also glorify him in the areas of life that maybe aren’t as fun as being creative like at school or work.

Studying and working in God’s image

When we study and work, granted they aren’t sinful (like robbery), we can glorify God.  

  • God worked to create the world and when He saw His hard work He said that it was good.  Our work engages our bodies and minds to fulfil God’s command for us – caring for the earth (Genesis 1:28).  
  • Be wise about our work, making sure we are using it to glorify God. This might look like deciding to be honest, friendly and on time in school, our workplace and other commitments. 
  • It also means taking opportunities to share the gospel.  

By working and studying we can reflect God’s image, glorifying Him by putting our ideas and energy into something productive that helps meet our purpose of ruling over the earth for God’s glory.

Resting in God’s Image

God rested after His creative work too.  Taking time to rest, reflect, pray and read the Bible glorifies Him.  It’s another way we reflect His image.  Resting gives us the opportunity both to remind ourselves what is most important in life, and then re-energise ourselves to live out life in a way that shows God is our King.

Think about some of the activities you have done today, and consider how they glorify God.  Enjoy seeing how using your body and mind reflects God’s image.  I remember I was once in the middle of decorating a huge amount of biscuits for a Christmas event.  As I sat there, it struck me that I was using the creativity and skills God had given me that reflect His image.  Knowing this made me delight in activity that was otherwise getting exhausting.  

Taking the time to think about how we live out our lives in the image of God helps us to think about how we can worship Him in our everyday life, and do everything to His glory. 
