You can make a big difference | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions

You can make a big difference

No matter how small you feel, through Christ you can change the world.

​You. Reading this.

Have you ever thought about how small you are?

I know I have.

  • You live in one specific town or city.
  • You know a limited number of people out of the world’s approximately seven billion.
  • You only have a numbered amount of days to do a numbered amount of activities.

You’re small. I’m small. And this can be daunting, sometimes, as we wonder if our one small life can make a difference.

Discouragement sets in hard, and we think, "should I even try to make a difference?"

The answer is yes, and here’s why.

​1. The big God of the universe loves you and calls you

God thinks you are important enough to die for!

And, as Christians, he calls us to make a difference in the world. 

We’re called to model our life after Christ (1 Cor. 11:1), the one who made the ultimate difference for us; He died on the cross so that we might have eternal life (Jn. 3:16). And he asks us to make a big difference:

  • Go make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19).
  • Turn from your selfishness, pick up your cross, and follow the King of Kings (Luke 9:23).
  • Love one another, even to the point of laying your life down for your friends (Jn. 15:12-13).

​2. ​You are capable of big things through Christ

We often don’t step out and make a difference because we are holding on to the discouragement of feeling small.  

Holding on to this prohibits us from grabbing on to God’s hand as we step out in His plan for us to make a difference.

We need to hold on to the hope that we can make a difference, for we can do all things through Christ (Phil. 4:13).

If God is calling us to act, do we not trust that He will provide all we need to do these actions?  Can we not simply be faithful to the call of difference making and trust the results  (whether we deem them “big” or “small”) to Him?

We must boldly hold on to His promises of comfort, strength, and provision as we are faithful to obey the call to be Kingdom difference makers.

​3. ​You are part of a big family

As we are committed to the call to make a difference, some days will still bring glaring reminders of our smallness.

Maybe this is actually a good thing.

Yes, we’re small, but our God is big. And He’s put us in a huge global family of brothers and sisters in Christ.

Together, our small lives add up to a bigger whole. 

Don’t give up.

You can make a difference, and the thing is: you’re actually called to do so.

You’ve been put in this place and time on purpose (Acts 17:26). Hold onto the hope in Christ and lose yourself in faithful obedience to His call. Together, as family, we are impacting the world.​

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