About Fervr | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions |

About Fervr

Fervr is a place for you to grow in faith and go deeper in your relationship with Jesus.

With thousands of free articles, videos and answers to big questions, we help equip you for a life with Christ.

There’s all sorts of good stuff available on topics like sex and dating, Bible reading, understanding God, entertainment, youth group ideas and more!


Who's behind Fervr.net?

Fervr is a Christian youth website originally created by Youthworks that publishes daily articles, reviews and video content for teens.

Who is Fervr for?

While our articles are written for Christian teens and young adults, fervr's easy-to-read style is enjoyed by people of all ages and worldviews. 

What topics do we cover?

Christian living, theology, pop culture and current affairs.

Our aim is to simply unpack what the Bible says to young people today and lay out a variety of topics before them. We think young people are smart enough to come up with their own decisions on what they read.

Who contributes? How do people contribute?

Many of our contributors are youth ministers, youth workers and church leaders. Others are simply young people who just want to share an encouraging story or offer an insight into God's Word.

Is fervr safe for my children/ youth group members?

We comb through the content and online discussions to keep it happy, legal, safe and clean. We'd appreciate help from the community too, so feel free to report any comments or behaviour that's less than civil. Emails can be sent to editor@fervr.net.