How to become a problem solver | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions

How to become a problem solver

It's easy to find problems. But could you be the person to help fix them?

Listen to the news, a conversation at school or on Facebook, and you'll soon hear the statement; “The problem is…”

Fill in the blank with any kind of issue you can think of. Problems, problems, problems. It’s hard not to grow discouraged when all you hear anyone talk about is all that’s wrong.

But what about the other side of the equation? Solutions come as we discover how to meet a need. When Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan He was calling the audience’s attention to not only who took action, but exposed that their own inaction was rooted in themselves.

Turning the conversation around

So how do we change our conversation from describing the problem to speaking of the solution? The beginning of that change is with our own perspective. Christian author Tim Keller makes the point that “Only you have complete access to your own selfishness, and only you have complete responsibility for it.” That means the only person’s selfishness we can control is our own.

Wow. The solution to the problem starts with me. Change starts with one, it starts with me. So when you hear people discussing problems, you have to recognize the first place to start is with yourself. If you don’t like what you see in the world, start by changing yourself. If you don’t like what you see in your church, start with what you can do about it. If you don’t like what you see in your community and school place, start with you. You can be a part of the solution, so take action.

Six ways to take action

Here are some suggestions on how you can become a solution finder:

1. Be accountable: That means tell others what action you are going to take. By telling others, it makes it harder to back out of what you want to do.

2. Be willing to discuss the “how’s” rather than the “what if’s”: Pretending doesn’t really get you anywhere, it also wastes time and prevents you from starting. When you think about how to make change, your perspective moves from negative to positive.

3. Start where you are: Maybe your mission field is to bring the Gospel to China. Or you want to see cancer cured. Or you want to be a part of changing the lives of youth and their families. No matter how big a problem you want to solve, you have to start where you are and you do that by starting with one. Confidence grows over time.

4. Start small: Not every step you take has to be a big one. You simply have to start by taking small steps and repeating them over and over again.

5. Nurture ideas, take action: Ideas are important but they are also easy. They only become significant when put to action.

6. Get excited: Why would anyone get behind something if you are not excited about it? Excitement builds confidence, changes perspective, but most of all, it’s contagious.

Change starts with one, it starts with you. If you are tired of hearing people speak of the problems, be a part of changing the tone of the conversation. Move the discussion from the problems to asking what the solution is. The whole atmosphere will change from negative to positive. Be a part of change! Take action today and start with you.

Modified from an article by Used with permission.