Strange ways of saying ‘I love you’ | Bible Daily Devotions for Teens, Christian Youth Articles

Strange ways of saying ‘I love you’

How about a massive heart made out of manure!

A Southern Minnesota farmer created the Valentine's Day gift for his wife in their farm field. Bruce Andersland spent two days spreading the manure with his tractor and manure spreader.

His wife, Beth, said it was the biggest and most original Valentine she had ever received. She said some people might think its gross, but she says its cute, and "Why not do something fun with what you've got?"

And maybe she's got a point. If you have lots of ... manure, why not have some ... fun with it! But I don't want you to think about that too hard.

What I do want you to think about is this; this seems like a strange way to show someone you love them, doesn't it?

But of course, at first glance, the way God shows us that he loves us also seems strange. Check out Romans 5:8.

"But God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

God shows that he loves you and me by sending his only beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us.

How does this show His love? Well, as sinners, we have rebelled against God and set ourselves up as mini gods. But to live life without any concern for the Living God means you will not live forever. Judgment awaits those who judge God not to be worthy of their time.

But there is another option. Out of love, God sent Jesus to take the punishment we deserve for rebelling against God. Jesus died the death we deserve, to give us a life we don't deserve. So all we have to do is turn back to God and turn in trust toward Jesus as the sinner's saviour.

Sending your only Son to die on a cross is a strange way to show someone that you love them. But is also a wonderful sign that you are loved by the God who made you. And God's love for you is unparalleled, undeserved, incredible and life changing.

Never doubt God loves you. Look to the cross and see for yourself.

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