4 ways to share the truth of Easter at school | Bible Daily Devotions for Teens, Christian Youth Articles

4 ways to share the truth of Easter at school

How you can get your classmates talking about the real meaning of Easter.

According to the supermarkets it’s been nearly Easter for about three months, but now it’s actually getting really close to Easter!

In the Western world we’re blessed to be able to freely celebrate Easter and even get some days off to commemorate the occasion, but many people don’t know why exactly Easter is on the calendar!

With the celebration of the life-saving death and resurrection of Jesus just around the corner, it’s a great idea to think about how you could share the gospel at school. Here are some ways you could consider telling your friends and classmates about the good news of Easter:

Invite people to Easter services

Easter is a time when many people who wouldn’t normally go to church will attend a service. So it’s a great time to invite your friends and their families! Arm yourself with some flyers from your church and start asking your friends if they’re interested in coming.

Give Easter treats

Hot cross buns and Easter eggs can both tell the story of the gospel – the cross on the buns reminds us of Jesus’ death on the cross, and the hollow eggs remind us of the empty tomb! Make or buy some Easter treats and give them to your friends. You could even give them with a note attached explaining their significance, or just tell your friends in person why these treats are so special.

Work with the Christian group

Get together with other Christians in your school and brainstorm creative ways you could get your classmates talking about the real reason for Easter. Maybe your group could host a lunchtime debate between people of different religions and backgrounds about what Easter means. Maybe you could put on a barbecue or give away hot cross buns together. Maybe you could put on a short Easter play sharing the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Make sure you get permission from your school, whatever you do.

Get ready to talk about Easter

Easter is a time when people are curious about Christianity. So make sure you’re ready to answer their questions and share your faith! Read a gospel (I recommend Matthew or Luke), chat with the ministry staff at your church and ensure you’re prepared to answer questions like, “did Jesus really rise from the dead?” and “why do you care about something that happened 2000 years ago?”