Three ways to fight the good fight | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions

Three ways to fight the good fight

In the struggle over sin, we must be ready for battle every day.

In yesterday's article, I took a look at how Christians have a might saviour who has already won the ultimate battle! He has defeated sin and death, and we can have eternal life when we join his team. With his help we are to fight to be holy, to live godly lives as those who belong to him. Jonathan Dodson, Pastor of City Life Church Austin, encourages the people in his church to be part of a fight club. These groups of 2 or 3 people meet regularly to encourage one another in the daily fight of faith. There are 3 parts of the fight.

1. Know your sin

The first part of our fight of faith is to be real with our sin, to know it. 1 John 1:8-10 says we are kidding ourselves if we think we are without sin. Therefore be honest with yourself and honest with God about the struggles you are having. Pride, arrogance, idolatry, anger, lust, pornography, selfishness, grew, dishonesty. You know straight away the sins you are personally struggling with.

2. Fight your sin

It's not enough to just know it, you need to fight it! Colossians 3:5-11 says to "put sin to death". Kill it! John Owen describes killing sin as our "daily work" and that we need to "be killing sin or it will be killing you". As those who belong to Jesus, we are to fight each day to put to death our sin and put on our new life in Christ.

3. Trust your saviour

This third step is the key part of knowing and fighting our sin. The answer to our sin is what Jesus - our champion - has already accomplished for us. When we are broken by our sin, we are reminded that we are saved not by what we do, but what He has already done at the cross. But we don't only trust what Jesus has done for us, we also trust what Jesus will do in us by His Spirit. Romans 8:13 says it is by the Spirit that we will put our sin to death. The more you are reminded of what Jesus has done and is doing, the more you will see the beauty of the cross and the emptiness of what sin offers to us. Struggling with sin? Trust in the finished work of Jesus and ask him to give you strength to keep putting ongoing sin to death. If you belong to Jesus, remember He is the Champion!

Fight the good fight

Maybe you are caught up in all sorts of other fights - fighting armies on the computer screen or fighting for self-worth in front of the mirror. If so, escape to reality. Know that there is a fight that matters much more. Jesus has already won the victory on your behalf, but you need to keep fighting to trust in Him and live a godly life by His strength. Are you part of a church? A small group bible study? A fight club? If not - get started! Each of them are great ways to be reminded to keep fighting the good fight, the fight of faith in Jesus. 


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