Math, mouth, mind and might | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions

Math, mouth, mind and might

Four tools for when you're hurt or angry.

When you're feeling hurt or angry, it can be really hard to think straight and stay calm. But the Bible provides some helpful tools to help! Here are four things I like to do when someone has made me upset.

I read Matthew 18:21-35

Jesus’ math is not like ours. 70 x 7 =always. Over and over. Every day, I do and say things that hurt the heart of God. And every day, God forgives me, forever, because of Jesus. I thank God for His undeserved forgiveness. I ask God to help me forgive others like He forgives me.

I read 2 Corinthians 10:5-6

I ask God to captivate my thoughts.  Am I meditating on truth, or my feelings? I ask others to pray for me to fix my mind on Jesus, not on myself.

I read James 3:5-9

My tongue is dangerous and I must be careful with my words. Are my words necessary? Are they whispered? Have I spoken with God first? I pray against gossip. I ask God to help me hold my tongue.

I read Ephesians 6:12

Especially if conflict is with another Christian, I must remember the real battle. We are not enemies. We are family. Satan and sin are enemies. When I point blame at others, instead of at evil, my might is wasted. My sin holds me captive. I ask God to show me any deep-down sin because I want a strong heart, not a hard one.