Does our sin stop God communicating with us?

Does our sin stop God communicating with us?

Asked by Someone

If you pray to God but get no response, even though you want to give him your life, is it sin that stops God communicating? Why does he ignore me?

Sometimes I wonder why God seems quiet.

The first thing that I need to explain is how God answers prayer. God answers what we ask for in many ways but we need to first seek for answers in the Bible. If tell God that I am turning away from my sin and back to him then he promises me forgiveness from that sin. He also promises that the Holy Sprit will dwell in me from that point on and will help me to pray. (Acts 2: 38-39, Romans 8:26-7). So those types of prayer are answered through promises made in the Bible. God is trustworthy so his promises are sure. It may ‘seem’ like nothing has happened when God forgives all my sin but in reality a massive cosmic event has taken place - and I can trust God that it’s true.

One of the ways that we can get this wrong is by expecting answers that God doesn’t promise. He doesn’t promise us special visions or appearances or some emotional change (although, they can happen), but he promises that he will be sure to his word.

In relation to our sin… God hears our prayers, not because of how good we are but because at the cross Jesus made a way for us to be able to come to the Father. In fact, that’s why Jesus specifically teaches to pray to “our Father in heaven”. (Matt 6:9). So even though we have sin in our lives, God does hear us. He wants us to leave our sin of course, to turn away from it and to be godly people, but even when we sin God doesn’t abandon us. We can have confidence that through the cross we truly can be called Children of God. We have entered into an eternal relationship with God as our Father and Jesus as our big brother, that’s why we communicate, us through prayer, God through his word.

So when you talk to God you can be sure that he has heard you and you can trust that he will do what is best. Keep talking to him and trusting him in everything and most of all seek out his promises in the Bible.

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