Three tips for distracted people | Bible Daily Devotions for Teens, Christian Youth Articles

Three tips for distracted people

Do you want to study, pray or read God's Word more, but somehow end up on Facebook instead?

Your question

We recently received a question from a fervr reader who said,

"I'm being really lazy nowadays. I don't study properly, I keep putting off things and I'm going down in my studies. But I can endlessly do stuff that gets my interest like watching tv, surfing net... but not study. Sometimes I become so lazy to even pray to God. I pray desperately only when I'm in need of something. I totally know that I'm wrong. I try to push myself to do things but all in vain. I don't know what to do now. Can you help me?"

Our answer

Here's what we suggested...

The best advice we can give you is to get into a habit. A habit is sometimes seen as a negative thing - that we are just praying or reading the BIble or studying because we have to. But, the reality is, it's a bit like exercise - the more you do it, the easier it gets. And then you get to the point where you miss doing it if you stop the habit for a day or two. 

With that in mind, here are three things to work on: 

1. Limit your screen time per day

Put in place a time limit on watching TV, surfing the net, using your phone etc. It's up to you what that limit is, but you need to stop using these things as a distraction, and get on with the more exciting and life-changing habits of prayer and hearing from God's word .

2. Plan time every day for study, Bible reading and prayer

For Bible reading, you might want to start with just three minutes a day, and do more minutes when you feel comfortable. But choose the same time to do it each day (before breakfast, before bed, after dinner etc). Make sure you do this every day for two weeks, and then hopefully it will become a natural part of your day (you can apply this idea to your studying as well, but you might need longer than three minutes!). 

3. Ask for help

Ask God to help you stop being distracted by your screens, and start getting excited by his word. Ask him to give you the discipline you need to form a habit. While you're at it, ask a friend to help you as well. Get them to check in with you regularly to see if you've been keeping your promise to reduce your screen time and increase your study, Bible reading and prayer time.

And just like with exercise, one day you will wake up and realise things have changed. You aren't so distracted any more. You are learning new things about God & yourself each day, and life feels better because you are focusing on things that are good for you.