10 ways to read the Bible in 2016 | Bible Daily Devotions for Teens, Christian Youth Articles

10 ways to read the Bible in 2016

Refresh your Bible reading habits in the New Year

If you want to improve your Bible reading habits in the New Year, then this list is for you! There are apps, books, plans and tips that will help you read more regularly, remember what you read and love the word of God.

Matthias Media Daily Reading Bible books

These books contain 60 undated readings, designed to take you 15-20 minutes. The whole passage is printed, along with some reflection questions and prompts for prayer. You just need the book (and a pen, if you like) to have a great quiet time! Volume 1 contains passages from Matthew, Joshua and 1 Corinthians, and each volume contains a variety of Old and New Testament books. http://www.matthiasmedia.com.au/growth/the-daily-reading-bible-volume-1

YouVersion Bible app

This is my favourite Bible app. It’s free to download and you can create an account which saves your notes and highlights into the app. You can also access your annotations online! The app is packed full of reading plans and you can get the Bible in any translation. https://www.youversion.com/

Try and memorise

Memorising parts of the Bible is a great way to write God’s truths on your heart. In some nations where owning a Bible is illegal, this is the only way Christians have to encounter God’s word daily, and they cherish what they have memorised! Memorising scripture will also benefit you when you are older if you start to lose your memory – many faithful elderly Christians can’t remember their own names, but they can remember huge chunks of the Bible! Try starting with a passage like Ephesians 2:1-10.


For the girls, join the Bible reading community at SheReadsTruth. They publish Bible reading plans focused on books of the Bible or themes (including a great Advent plan each year) along with daily devotions based on the passages. There’s also a beautifully designed app! http://shereadstruth.com/

Bible Society reading plans

These four plans each cover a quarter of the Bible, so if you read every day you’ll get through the Bible in four years! Yes they’re a little old but the breakdown of the Bible is very helpful and it’s in an easy printable format with tick boxes. http://www.biblesociety.org.au/bible-reading-guides

Try a new translation

If you’ve been an NIV lover for as long as you can remember, why not try the ESV? If you rave about the NLT, try the CEV! It can be really helpful to switch translations every so often, or at least keep different translations in your home. That way when you find a verse confusing, you can see what another translation says and see if that gives you clarity. Reading old familiar verses with different words can also be helpful for those who have been reading the Bible for a long time – fresh language will remind you once again of the beauty and wonder of God’s word.

Bible Society daily readings

Sign up to get readings and reflections delivered to your inbox every day. The full text of the passage is printed so it’s a great way to easily fit Bible reading back into your busy schedule, and the reflections will help you understand and cherish God’s word. http://www.biblesociety.org.au/dailybible

Dave Miers Bible in a Year

If you’re up for a challenge, why not try and read through the Bible in a year? Fervr contributor Dave Miers prepared this plan – you read 3-5 chapters each day so it’s full on, but you’ll reap the benefits of soaking yourself in God’s word! http://davemiers.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/read_the_bible_in_a_year.pdf

Try a new way of engaging with God’s word

Bible Gateway has a great list of suggestions for creative ways you can engage with God’s word. I especially love the journaling, song writing and dramatic methods of focusing on the Bible! See if one of the creative suggestions helps you reengage with scripture. https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/scripture-engagement/