Thomas Rickard | Contributors |

Thomas Rickard

Thomas Rickard

Mass, short for Thomas, or Lord Thomas as some refer to him. Has been working in youth ministry for just under ten years. At the start of this year he finished his role as Youth Pastor to start working as a carpenter. Mass is engaged to a young American Lady, Sarah. They both will move over to the US of A at the start of next year. Mass has been volunteering at City Youth, run by City on a Hill. Mass has worked in many different areas in youth ministry: primary schools, high schools, camping programs, school leavers (Red Frogs). He loves to see young people grasp the gospel and start to centre their life around it.

Mass has a diploma in Theology and Ministry, and also one in building. The most important piece of paper on his office wall, is the “Hay bale rolling Champion” for two years in a row. 

Articles by Thomas Rickard