Shepherd’s Voice | Youth Group Games, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Group Ideas

Shepherd’s Voice

Here's a fun game for your youth ministry – with a Bible lesson built in!

Looking for a new game to play at youth group?

Be prepared for noise and chaos, with half the group shouting and the other half trying to listen out for the correct voice to follow! This fun activity provides a great way to introduce the topic of discipleship and following the Good Shepherd.  

How to Play

Pair everyone up.
Blindfold one person from each pair and have him/her stand in the middle of the room.
These are the sheep.

Scatter up the others and have them stand at the edge of the room.
These are the shepherds.

Ask all the sheep to turn 3 rounds on the spot.

On “Go”, the shepherds will call out to their respective sheep, to give them instructions to walk towards them. (No running allowed.)

The first pair of sheep and shepherd to reunite wins.

Switch roles and repeat.

Bible Lesson – Following Jesus

1. Did you enjoy this game?
2. Was it easy to identify which voice to follow? How did you know?
3. Do you know a Bible passage that talks about following the correct voice?

John 10:2-5

4. Whose voice will the sheep follow?
5. Do the sheep know who their shepherd is?
6. Does the shepherd know which are his sheep?

This passage tells us that the shepherd knows his sheep by name. And the sheep recognizes and follows the voice of its shepherd. Let’s read more about the shepherd and the sheep.

John 10:11-13

7. Who does this passage compare the good shepherd with?
8. What will a good shepherd do for his sheep? Why?

John 10:14-15

9. In this passage, who does the good shepherd refer to?
10. Who are the sheep?

In this passage, the good shepherd refers to Jesus and the sheep are his followers.
The Bible tells us that Jesus is the good shepherd who died on the cross for our sins.
If you believe in Jesus, you are a follower of Jesus. Jesus is your shepherd and you are one of Jesus’ sheep.

11. Is Jesus your shepherd? Are you one of his sheep?

John 14:15

12. What does this verse tell us?

If we are followers of Jesus and one of his sheep, then we must obey his commands.
John 14:15-17,26 tells us that the Holy Spirit who lives inside us will help us follow Jesus.
It is important that you learn to follow Jesus closely. You can do this by reading the Bible and talking to him regularly.

This game provided with thanks by Bible Games Central.