Never underestimate the young! | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions

Never underestimate the young!

There's even a 3 year old in Italy who reads the paper and gives out medical advice

Italian doctors say they’re amazed by a 3-year-old prodigy who reads newspapers, operates the family’s television remote and even gives medical advice. The parents from Pisa in Italy say the boy, named Ettore, taught himself almost all these skills just by observing adults. “We started teaching him the alphabet for fun. We would never have imagined his abilities would develop like this,” Ettore’s father Francesco Grillo said. “Then when he was about two he started to read newspapers and TV guides,” Grillo said. “Initially we thought he memorized phrases and repeated them parrot-like. But then we realized he was reading for real.”

Local medical experts say are impressed. “Usually learning to read is a process that takes place at a much later stage, at school age, and it’s a gradual process,” said Dr. Amerigo Celandroni, head of the local hospital’s pediatric clinic. Ettore has even acquired know-how of medical matters, his father says. “One day I was talking to my wife about a health problem I had,” Grillo said. “Ettore heard and recommended a medicine. I checked up and saw that it was right for my case.”

Sometimes very young people can do very amazing things. You may not be a child prodigy or be able to give medical advice (although I am guessing you are able to read!), but you can still do impressive things.

1 Timothy 4:12 says;

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.”

There are 5 ways in which Paul tells young Timothy to live an amazing, impressive life.

1) Speech = Always encouraging, building up others and using your mouth to praise God to the world
2) Life = Living a life worthy of your Christian calling in wholehearted devotion and adoration to God as a dedicated disciple of Jesus
3) Love = Being consumed by a desire to put others needs before yourself and to sacrifice your time, talents and treasures for the good of others
4) Faith = Trusting God with every aspect of your life; your past, your present, your future, your salvation, your love-life, your money, your fears, your failings
5) Purity = Battling to put sin to death in your life and live a life imitating Jesus in all his glory, by the power of the Holy Spirit

You do these things, and no one will look down on you. More than that, you will be an example to older believers.  It might just be that you not only impress others, but you may also inspire them too.

Do you want to life an amazing, impressive life? Why not ask God now to help you to do this.