How Do I Glorify God in my Daily Life?  Part 2 | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions

How Do I Glorify God in my Daily Life?  Part 2

Honouring God in the way we talk.

In the previous article, we saw that God created, worked and rested — and, He wants us to do these things too, in a way that honours Him. 

And today, we’re exploring how we can honour God through our speech. Let’s start by looking at the way God speaks.

God Speaks

God spoke the world into being (Genesis 1).  His words created light, trees, animals, seas, and humans.  His words built the earth and everything in it.  In Genesis 1:26 (NIV) He says “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…”  In other words, He created humans to reflect aspects of the Trinity – God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  The Trinity communicates; for example, Jesus prayed to God. 

God clearly is a God that speaks, using words to make many good things, and to communicate with people today through the Bible.  Humans are speaking beings made for relationships because we are made in God’s image.  This means talking plays an important part in our lives. So, how do you and I reflect God in the way we use our words?

Our Speech

As we saw in the last article, we show God love in our daily life by being creative and using our minds and bodies to show His goodness..  This is the same for the words we say and write.  God used language to  share His good news through the Bible.  When we use language positively to love and build others up and to worship God, we glorify God’s image. 

This is easier said than done - it can be difficult to always make sure we are speaking encouraging words.  Our sinful speech hurts God, other people and ourselves.  Here are some thoughts on how we can speak lovingly rather than hurtfully.

What goes in must come out…

You have probably heard the above saying before.  Maybe you have been warned that the music you listen to, the movies you watch, and the books you read, will shape how you act.  Think carefully about whether this is true in your life.  Often these DO shape how we act and speak.  I know someone who loves to read old, classical literature.  Because of this, she often talks like an English professor.  So, before you start reading, listening or watching something, here are a few things to think about:

  • What you watch, read and listen to can affect how you speak.  If you want to use your words to build others up and worship God, it would help to look at the books, shows, movies and music you love and see if they are going to promote good language and positive communication.  
  • You don’t have to only read Christian books or throw out half of your movie collection.  But try to read, listen to and watch things that are likely to get you using loving words.
  • Challenge yourself to speak positively and avoid unnecessary whingeing or put-downs. 

Know that God forgives

If you realise your words have hurt another person or God, instead of feeling guilty, ask for forgiveness from God and those you may have insulted.  After all, God lovingly sent His Son Jesus to die in our place so that we may be forgiven from sin once and for all.  So, when you do sin in your speech, repent, ask for forgiveness, remember that God does and will forgive, and consider how to use more God-honouring language in the future.  Changing sinful speech is challenging but remember that as Christians, God is with us and helping us in this.

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