Bad day? Don’t share it on Facebook | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions

Bad day? Don’t share it on Facebook

Research says your online friends demand positivity, not reality

Don't share your problems on Facebook

Miserable? Don't take it out on Facebook, experts say. Facebook can help you accumulate hundreds of instant friends, but if you are feeling low, don’t post it on Facebook.

While the world's biggest social media platform is a convenient outlet to share feelings and maintain friendships, researchers have found that people who posted negative messages irritated their existing online friends and alienated themselves further.

Researchers found that people who wrote upbeat posts such as 'Mike is lucky to have such terrific friends and is looking forward to a great day tomorrow!' were judged more likeable than people who constantly wrote negative messages, such as "Mel is upset b/c her phone got stolen :@."

It seems that Facebook is not a “safe” place to express yourself. Ms Forest, the lead author of the study, suggests that users should put more thought into what they post, and what effect their posts might have on members of their social networks.

Where can we find real friendship in hard times?

It is true that you need to be thoughtful and careful about what you post on Facebook. It is good not to write in haste or in anger. And it is good to remember Philippians 2:14 that says that we should “do everything without complaining or arguing”.

And yet it is a sad thing when we can’t share our real life responses to real life problems. Let’s face it, we all have bad days, weeks, months or even years. And if you share that with a true friend, they shouldn’t be irritated or upset by that.

Proverbs says;

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Prov. 18:24).

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity (Prov. 17:17)

And Galatians 6:2 says;

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

So the next time you are feeling down, talk to a true friend about it, rather than posting it on Facebook.

And if someone comes to you with a problem, don’t get irritated or upset. Be a true friend, stick close to that person, love them in their adversity and help carry their burdens for them.