When Jesus rose again where did he get his clothes from?

When Jesus rose again where did he get his clothes from?

Asked by Janet

That first Easter dawn when the Lord Jesus appeared to Mary in the garden,
where did He get his clothes from? as the Roman soldiers gambled for his
clothes, whilst he was on the Cross; I’ve imagined when his body was
annointed in the tomb with spices then wrapped in the shroud only.
This is a serious question;when Peter & John entered the tomb, they saw the
burial cloths where the body lay, with the “cap” in a separate place.
So, where did He get his clothes from???

Hi Janet,

As you’ve correctly noted, none of the gospels record where Jesus got his clothes from after the resurrection. For that matter, none of them record where he got his clothes from at any stage in his life. We just tend to assume that details like that happen without being told. Nevertheless, your question is good. Was he walking around naked?

The truth is, I have no idea. Perhaps one of the angels brought clothes for him to wear (Matt 28:2, Luke 24:2-4). Perhaps Jesus was able to materialise clothes from nothing - similar to the way he spoke the world into existence (John 1:3), or like the way he provided food for 5000 people (Mark 6:30-44). Maybe it is something more mundane - we don’t know.

The thing is though, Jesus was dead and buried. Not only dead, but his form of death would have left him with very little blood in his body. After three days of being dead the neurons in his brain would have irreperable damage, not to mention the damage to other vital organs. Yet God was powerful enough to repair sinew, to sew back together torn flesh, to reform the electrochemical matrix of his brain, to supply blood to his body, to start a still heart beating again and to once more breath life into a corpse. It’s not really too big a stretch to imagine that the God who can do all this can also supply clothes. After all, God knows that we need them and has promised nothing less. (Matt 5:31-33)



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